Mindfulness, SEL and Yoga Teacher Training, Certification
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  3. Mindfulness, SEL and Yoga Teacher Training, Certification

What are the certification requirements for the Mindfulness, SEL, and Yoga Teacher Training?

You will be eligible to become a 200-hour Certified Yoga Teacher (CYT) and Social-Emotional Learning Facilitator (SEL*F) if you...

  • Pay your tuition in full.
  • Complete 100% of the training curriculum:
    • Review the on-demand content, explore the reflections, and practice and practice-teach as directed.
    • Attend the live sessions. Make up any live hours missed via the recordings and associated instructions.
    • Plan, practice-lead, and submit your Social-Emotional Learning & Facilitation (SEL*F) Wellness Workshop.
    • Complete 4 hours of Community Seva: Share asana yoga classes with your community, family, or friends, and reflect on the experience.
    • Participate in the live session practice, planning, and co-teaching of the Asana Yoga Class Finale to demonstrate competence in your asana instruction.

You must meet the above requirements within 1 year after your first Live Day in order to earn your certification.


If you find that you are no longer interested in your official certification, but you would still like to continue to access the curriculum, contact support@breatheforchange.com about moving to audit status. As an audit, as long as your payments remain up to date, you will still have access to all of the on-demand content, including the recordings of the live sessions. Trainees moved to audit status are no longer eligible for certification.